What is Mapfre Auto Insurance

Mapfre Tú Eliges is a coverage of the Mapfre insurer in which the option is granted for the insured to choose the conditions of services, the protections for his car and the coverages that best suit him for the protection of him, his family, his vehicle and your budget.

The Mapfre Tú Eliges alternative is innovative in the insurance market, since there are not many companies that promote a policy based on the individual interests of the insured, with their own rules and conditions. One of the most attractive options for people looking to insure their cars.

What are the coverages offered at Mapfre Tú Eliges?

One of the only conditions that are placed in Mapfre Tú Eliges is that of a set of coverages in which the owner of the insurance can make movements on whether he wants to adapt them in his insurance or prefers to reject them. The coverages are the following:

  • Material Damage: Covers material losses suffered by the vehicle as a result of different risks such as Collisions, Fire, Hydrometeorological phenomena, among others. The deductible is fixed, so the insured always knows how much to pay.
  • Total theft: Covers the total theft of the insured vehicle. The deductible is fixed, so the insured always knows how much to pay.
  • >Civil Liability : Covers civil liability caused by the insured to third parties in their property and/or in their persons, including accidental death.
  • Catastrophic Civil Liability for Accidental Death: Covers the driver in the event that, using the insured vehicle, he accidentally causes the death of a third party.
  • Occupant Medical Expenses: In the event of an accident, it covers the payment of Medical Expenses for bodily injuries of the insured and/or the other occupants of the vehicle.
  • Roadside Assistance: Two towing services are covered per term due to vehicle breakdown or failure.
  • Agency Repair: Covers the repair of the insured vehicle at an agency.
  • AutoGAP: Total Investment Guarantee: Aimed at vehicles for private use, up to 5 years old, with this coverage we pay the insured 100% of the invoice value of their vehicle for the first 2 years and a percentage of said value for the third, fourth and fifth year.
  • Partial Theft: Covers the partial theft of parts and accessories of the insured vehicle, both interior and exterior.

What are the benefits of contracting Mapfre You Choose? Absolute power!

The advantages of contracting the Mapfre Tú Eliges plan are based on the decision-making capacity you have to select what type of services are best for your vehicle, what interests you have for your protection and that of your loved ones, depending on living conditions in which you are. The following lists other virtues of this plan:

  • Emergency Central: Bilingual attention during the hours of the day in the days of the year.
  • Own Network: Adjusters, workshops and services
  • Query: You must be aware of what works on the internet, you can check all the information regarding your policy.
  • Own Network of Lawyers: The insured have the possibility of having a large network of specialists and lawyers to handle any legal case.
  • Total Loss: If the insured delivers all the corresponding documentation on indemnities, in case of total loss, transfer payments are made after five completed business days.
  • Benefit of Material Damage Coverage: Not only material losses are covered, but it also covers breakage and detachment of glass. In case of a total loss, the value of the guide is compensated.
  • Benefit of Civil Liability Coverage: Covers the liability that the insured may incur. for damages caused to third parties or their property.
  • Catastrophic Civil Liability Coverage for Accidental Death: Covers the insured in the event that, using the registered vehicle, the death of a third party is caused.
  • Medical Coverage Occupant Expenses: Covers the medical expenses caused by a driver and his companions.
  • Roadside Assistance Coverage: During the term of the policy, two towing services are offered, which will be available at any time the insured requires them. The cases of breakdown and accidents are unlimited.
  • Legal Defense Coverage: Legal assistance services in the event of an accident that has serious incidents or the total theft of the vehicle. The Mapfre network of lawyers is used at all times.
  • Agency repair: The insurance covers that, in the event of damage or situations with the car, the repairs are directly at the agency, despite the year of the vehicle.
  • AutoGAP (GTI Total Investment Guarantee): Through this policy, the insured is paid a % of the invoice value of the vehicle during the first two years and a percentage for the third, fourth and fifth year.

What are the restrictions of Mapfre You Choose?

Some of the exclusions that this Mapfre Tú Eliges service has, understanding that any contracting of the Tú Eliges Car Insurance requires a series of Requirements and Restrictions for such contracting to become effective. They are presented below:

  • The requirements to buy Resident Automobile Insurance online ask to include the required data of the vehicle and the contracting party.
  • The Restrictions to contract Automobile Insurance are the following:
  • The car must be for private use
  • .

  • The year of manufacture of the car to be insured must be from 2000.
  • Does not apply to Legally Imported, Regularized or Border vehicles.
  • Does not apply to vehicles with a commercial value greater than $400,000 pesos.
  • Does not apply to trucks, buses or pick ups.
  • Does not apply for public service.
  • The vehicle must have registration in the Mexican Republic.
  • Travel assistance. Limitation of three parts per year due to breakdown.

If it is a new vehicle, recently purchased, you will have the same coverage as the rest of the packages, except:

  • The driver's insurance and the sum insured
  • Workshops to be arranged

Mainly two factors influence when contracting this product:

  • concerted workshops
  • Limitation parts of assistance

What can limit the hiring of Mapfre You Choose?

Whoever buys a new car and is involved in an accident due to their fault, the most logical thing is that they want to repair at the official dealer. Unless the brand's own dealer is in agreement with Mapfre, something that is not usual; it is inconvenient.

Especially if there is an affectation of internal elements in addition to the accident, since, as we know, the guarantee is lost if an unofficial workshop repairs us.

The limitation of assistance parts is also something that does not motivate when contracting this modality. Although if you agree with the rest of the conditions, you can benefit from the low price of this insurance.

If at any time, you are forced to give three parts of assistance, you can take out a policy that covers only assistance with a low or high range according to your interests.

What are the recommendations that Mapfre makes for you to take out your Tú Eliges coverage?

Mapfre recommends that its customers fully verify the following points, since it is very important to be clear about what the Mapfre Tú Eliges insurance offers and what it restricts:

  • Find out about the different packages, as well as the special clauses of each of their coverages. Analyze the coverage that each package offers you.
  • Choose the package that meets your needs and is within the budget contemplated.
  • Never be guided by cheap insurance, it is better to be as well covered as possible.
  • The 3 most common Auto Insurance models on the market are the following: Wide coverage insurance, Limited coverage insurance and Civil Liability Insurance.
  • After having purchased your policy, we recommend that you verify it, in this way a possible misunderstanding will be avoided and it will be clear what is covered by it.
  • Learn about the benefits that additional coverage has for you.

What should you take into account when hiring Mapfre Tú Eliges?

The Recommendations for the use of the You Choose Auto Insurance become important because in this way customers can take full advantage of the policy. Here is more information about it:

  • Read the general conditions of the policy.
  • Verify that all the information that appears in the policy is correct, such as the name of the insured, information about the car and contracted insured amounts, as well as the amount of the premium.
  • In the event of an accident, try to always carry your policy papers in the vehicle and identify the most important information, such as: validity, coverage, insured amounts and deductibles, as well as driver and vehicle data.
  • Failure to pay the premium on time may result in cancellation of the insurance.

In this way, Mapfre Tú Eliges has become one of the most innovative policies in the insurance market, since it offers the opportunity of freedom of choice to the insured. All, based on an appreciation of your circumstances, budget and vehicle. What are you waiting for to hire Mapfre You Choose?

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