the Best Auto Insurance in Yucatan


In Mexico, the growth in the vehicle fleet has grown by 300% in the last years, however, Yucatan exceeds the average, registering a growth of more than 400%; This is largely due to the fact that Yucatan is one of the states with the highest quality of life, causing many people to move to this state.

The irony here is that many people migrate to this state, causing the population to increase considerably, thus increasing the number of vehicles, increasing pollution, road traffic, the time it takes to travel from one point to another, raising levels of stress and this contributes to lowering the quality of life.

Yucatán continues to be one of the calmest states in the country, but that does not mean that there are no road accidents or car thefts. These problems exist, they are not as serious as in the north of the country (where the problem is so serious that it is considered , but they exist and are increasing, due to population growth.

The Yucatan municipalities with the highest concentration of registered vehicles are:

  1. Merida
  2. Progress
  3. Valladolid
  4. Tizimin
  5. uman

The increase in population is expected to grow dramatically in the coming years due to the Mayan Train project. This scenario may seem worrying to us, but it is a reality that the entire planet is facing and there is absolutely nothing we can do to combat it. The only thing that is in our hands is the possibility of protecting ourselves and securing our patrimony.

In this article you will find everything you need to choose your auto insurance wisely and save as much as possible.

Why is Auto Insurance in Yucatan Important?

As we discussed earlier, auto insurance is important because it protects you from latent threats to which you and your car are exposed.

Auto insurance is like the protective cover of a cell phone, you do not buy it because you are thinking of damaging your possession, but to prevent that in case of any eventuality your belonging is protected because a repair or total loss costs much more than the protection Let's call it cover, call it safe.

Let's make it more visible with the current statistics.

In Yucatan, the main municipalities with the highest number of vehicle accidents are:

  1. Merida
  2. Valladolid
  3. uman
  4. Progress

The following are the main causes of accidents:

  1. Driving while answering the cell phone
  2. Driving without respecting the signs
  3. Driving under the influence of alcohol
  4. Aggressive driving
  5. speeding

In 2019, Yucatán was the state with the fewest registered car thefts in the entire country, but it is also one of the states with the highest number of insured cars.

The rates of car theft are very low and therefore the percentage of assaults with the use of violence is very low and the percentage of drivers who lose their lives in said assaults is even lower. However, this is largely due to the fact that Yucatán is one of the states that reports a large number of insured cars, 50%.

This does not mean that you should trust yourself, the fact that Yucatán does not have 90% of car thefts with the use of violence (like Coahuila) does not mean that there is no problem, it just means that it is not of the magnitude that it is in the north, because every year the number of thefts increases and you can only deal with it by insuring your car.

The models of the most stolen cars are:

  1. nissan versa
  2. bird
  3. windy

Another reason why it is important to have auto insurance in Yucatan is because of the risks that nature also represents, because as you have seen, insurance is a great help to combat car theft, well, insurance also exists protection against natural disasters.

Is Auto Insurance Mandatory in Yucatan?

We have just seen the great utility of having the backing of insurance, so beyond what is mandatory it is very necessary.

But answering the question, yes, according to the Federal Road, Bridges and Motor Transport Law since 2019, every vehicle must have a minimum of Compulsory Civil Liability Insurance and this is a requirement for every motor vehicle that wants to travel through the Mexican territory.

If you do not comply with the provisions, you will receive a fine of up to 40 minimum wages, the suspension of your license and the retention of your vehicle for up to 36 hours, as you can see, prevention is much cheaper.

If we still can't show you that it is cheaper to invest in insurance, we show you the following figures: according to registered accidents, it is estimated that material damage ranges from 2,000 to 25,000 pesos, the loss of the vehicle exceeds 100,000 pesos and in case of death you must pay compensation of approximately 3 million pesos, this without counting the medical expenses and legal expenses involved in participating in these accidents.

What are the Types of Auto Insurance in Yucatan?

Most insurers handle between three and four coverages and basically consist of going from the most basic (the one required by law to be able to circulate) to the broadest that includes all the benefits, there are also insurers that handle personalized plans.

  • Basic Coverage (Mandatory Civil Liability Insurance)
  • Limited Coverage
  • Comprehensive coverage
  • Plus Coverage

Auto Insurance on the Yucatan Beaches

If you are thinking of visiting the beaches of Yucatan, you may want a little extra protection. We all know that tourist spots are always full of people, traffic congestion and reckless drivers. The good thing is that there are coverages that insurance for tourists handles , in which you receive benefits ranging from protection against vandalism to coverage for natural disasters such as hurricanes.

If, on the other hand, you are thinking of moving or you already live in the area near the beaches, you may need to change your coverage, in this case one that also covers damage from vandalism and natural disasters that protect you in the event of of the total loss of your vehicle, this in case of floods, hurricanes or landslides.

What are the Cheap Auto Insurance in Yucatan?

Said in the most superficial and simple way, we can say that the cheapest insurance is the simplest insurance. With any insurer you go to, your cheapest option will be the most basic.

This question is very common because we all seek to save and that is fine, the problem is that the approach is the wrong one. You must think ahead when it comes to saving.

Let's go back to the example of the cell phone case, if today you buy the most economical case to protect your cell phone, it may seem at once the best option to save, but if you are a careless or rude person when handling your mobile , the cover may not protect it from the use you give it.

Thus, the day your phone suffers a mishap, the case will not be enough, it will be damaged and also your cell phone, generating higher expenses than what it would have been to spend on a more expensive and perhaps more resistant case at the beginning.

The same happens with insurance, you must choose what protects you in the long term, you must be aware of the most latent risks in your area and based on this data, you can make a smarter decision and save in the long term.

You should also know that the price of your coverage will depend on your profile, so as you can see, it is not so easy to talk about the "cheapest". The important thing here is to be informed and quote.

These are the parameters that insurers take into account to calculate the price of your coverage:

  • Age
  • Area where you live
  • Type of use
  • car model
  • driving history
  • Vehicle age
  • requested coverage

What are the Auto Insurance Companies in Yucatan?

There are a large number of insurers, the important thing here is to hire an authorized insurer ( CONDUSEF ) so as not to be a victim of fraud. We share this list where you will surely find the coverage and the perfect price for you.

  • ABA
  • ANA
  • affirm
  • Atlas Insurance
  • AXA
  • Banorte
  • BBVA Bancomer Insurance
  • citibanamex
  • The Eagle
  • the potosi
  • General Insurance
  • GNP
  • HDI
  • Inbursa Insurance
  • the latino
  • mapfre
  • migo
  • qualitas
  • Santander
  • SURA

What is the Best Car Insurer in Yucatan?

According to an article in Forbes , Qualitas is one of the best insurers in the country, and this is not surprising since Qualitas is the largest insurer in Mexico, for a reason it has millions of clients throughout the national territory.

For its part , PROFECO measured the level of satisfaction, customer service, number of complaints, among other data, and MAPFRE was the best-scored insurer, in second place is the insurer AXA, and GNP parades in number three, all of them with rating above 8.

However, we beg you not to get carried away by the brand, we know that prestige is an important issue, but the most important thing must be that your needs are covered, guide you through the type of coverage you need and quote, that is the secret to be able to save and find the best option.

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