Auto Insurance per Month


There are too many offers on the market when it comes to hiring your auto insurance. There are many insurers and they are constantly innovating to be able to offer you the greatest number of options and adapt to your pace of life.

This is the case of car insurance per month, which arose to be able to protect users with particular needs. Because regardless of your lifestyle and your budget, it is important that you always travel insured, this will avoid future problems, as well as protect your vehicle, your well-being and that of those who accompany you on your trips.

Whatever the reason for which you are contemplating hiring car insurance per month, here we are going to explain all the details you need to know, from the costs to the insurers where you can contract these plans. Read this article to the end and find out all the tips to save and choose the best insurance per month for you.

What is Auto Insurance by Month?

If you are here, it is because you already have a slight idea and want to take out this type of insurance or at least because something tells you the name. Here we explain everything.

Car insurance per month, is also known as temporary insurance or in some insurers it is handled as insurance for tourists (be careful, because it is not the same in all insurers) it is just what its name indicates: insurance that protects the support that your car needs to be able to travel, except that unlike most insurances, this contract is not made annually, but monthly or for short periods of time.

There are many reasons why you are contemplating this type of coverage, perhaps you are going to travel abroad or to a state and you have considered that you need another type of coverage; perhaps, your car always remains parked and you are going to occupy it for a short period of time.

Whatever the reason, we want to remind you that car insurance is mandatory, this according to the Federal Road, Bridges and Motor Transport Law, which establishes that all vehicles without exception must circulate with Mandatory Insurance , even if your car is always stopped. must be insured.

So keep this information in mind because we don't want you to be fined or end up paying unforeseen expenses.

How Does Auto Insurance Work by Month?

It is very similar to any other auto insurance, it gives you the protection you require and you pay for the benefits you need; the benefits depend on the contracted coverage, the coverages depend on the price you are willing to pay.

The differences that exist between these insurances and the traditional ones are that, for example, traditional insurances must be contracted per year (compulsorily) and their renewal is done automatically, unless the client makes the pertinent revocation 1 month before date is celebrated. Insurance per month, on the contrary, as they are contracted for periods of time, they expire when the last day arrives.

For example, if you contracted your insurance for exactly two months, on the last day of the second month, let's say the 60th, the contract will not be renewed, it only expires and that's it, the next day you will no longer be insured and you must renew or a new contract if you wish.

What are the Advantages of Auto Insurance per Month?

Whether you choose to take out monthly insurance for travel or the use you give to your vehicle, taking out monthly car insurance is quite advantageous, among its many benefits the most notable are:

  • You have the same protection offered by a common policy, but when you decide
  • You save more than 50%
  • Hiring it is very fast and simple
  • You customize your coverage
  • You are insured from the first day you hire it
  • Contracts range from 1 to 6 months
  • Includes coverage abroad
  • Accounts with 24/7 telephone assistance
  • Who is auto Per Month Insurance for?

    This type of coverage, so flexible and with such specific requirements, is for the motorist who knows exactly what he wants and for how long he wants it.

    • Foreigners who are temporarily in Mexico
    • Owners of collector cars that do not circulate every day
    • People who plan to go on vacation
    • People who rarely drive their car, although as we mentioned at the beginning, it is not recommended, due to what is established by the Federal Road, Bridges and Autotransport Law.
    • People who want to know an insurer before making an annual contract.

    How long can I contract this insurance?

    Contracts can range from one month to 6 months.

    Requirements to process car insurance per month?

    • Be of age
    • ID
    • R.F.C.
    • Home
    • Current license and in order
    • Invoice or circulation card
    • Technical sheet of the vehicle
    • Data for the collection

    How Much Does Auto Insurance Cost Per Month?

    Remember that the price of your policy depends to a large extent on your profile. We cannot give you an approximate price because the cost of your coverage depends on the days you contract them, the insurer you do it with and the following parameters:

    • Age
    • Area where you live
    • Type of use
    • car model
    • driving history
    • Vehicle age
    • requested coverage

    What Insurers Handle Auto Insurance by Month?

    Car insurance per month is something that is just being established in Mexico, so not all insurers handle it. But you do have several options to choose from:

    • ANA SURE. These large insurers offer you the option of insuring the driver, regardless of the vehicle he drives, this only applies to foreign drivers.
    • AXAIn addition to that you can hire your insurance per day, week or month.
    • mapfre. It handles very good coverage for tourists.

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