Are you subject to credit? Find out!

 We all have the possibility of meeting our  goals of buying a house, a new car or starting your own business with the help of financial products such as loans. Having access to a loan, using it properly and meeting the agreed payment terms speaks well of you , because you immediately become a good credit subject and gain credibility in your financial behavior. But what does it mean to be a subject of credit ? What does this consist of? 

What is being subject to credit? 

It is a natural or legal person who meets all the conditions requested by financial institutions to be qualified as a candidate for credit products, such as loans and credit cards. But what are these conditions?  

  1. Minimum age: 21 years. 
  2. Job stability: you must comply with, at least, one year of consecutive work, if you work in a dependency relationship; and, two years, if you are an independent worker. In some cases, you will have to meet even three years of consecutive contributions, for example, for mortgage loans. 
  3. Payment capacity: You must be able to cover your personal expenses as well as the debt you want to assume. Before applying for a loan, calculate how much you can borrow, so as not to put your financial solvency at risk. 
  4. credit history: The punctuality with which you have paid your credit cards will influence the possibility of being granted a loan . Make sure you keep your payments up to date. 
  5. Good rating in the credit bureau : This score determines how good you are at paying your debts. This rating ranges from one to 1,000. Depending on the qualification you obtain, you will have a lesser or greater chance of being granted a credit product. 
  6. How do I know if I am subject to credit?

    Financial institutions consider as credit subjects those people who have economic solvency, can prove their income, have a credit history and have a good rating in the credit bureau.  

    The debts are not bad, the problem arises when they stop paying or are not paid on time , because the credit history is seriously affected and, immediately, one stops being a good credit subject. If you are having trouble paying the monthly installments of your loan or card, it is best to see your bank advisor to evaluate the options available to you.  

    Once you affect your credit bureau, you not only harm your score or qualification, you could lose new financing opportunities. 

    4 tips to be a good subject of credit 

  7. pay on timeyour credit card, direct credit installments and bank loans. Punctuality will speak well of you! 
  8. Register in the bureausome purchase on credit to start building your history with small commitments,  paying on time! 
    Activate automatic debit.Pay outstanding installmentsactivating automatic debits, this will help you to be up to date with the monthly services.
    Review your account statements.Review your credit card statements to monitor the installments of your debts, the maximum payment date and other relevant data that will help you when managing your finances. 

  9. Many people are afraid of not being able to meet the responsibility of a debt. But, at this point, it is important that you know your finances very well and develop your skills in financial education so that the financing experience is positive.

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